Digital Book System
User manual | 📚 View |
In archive collection | Yes |
Specifications | - 65C816 CPU @ 2.5MHz - 32KB RAM - 160x40 resolution display - Powered by 4 x CR2032 cells - 2 x DBS card slots |
Packaging 3D model | 👁 View in 3D 👁 View in 3D |
Device 3D model | Unavailable |
Initial release of the Digital Book System reader unit. This device contained no onboard content. At least one DBS card had to be installed for proper use.
The Digital Book System (DBS) was a precursor product to the Bookman first sold to the public in 1992. There were two hardware revisions of this product line and the devices were heavily marketed towards medical professionals. The last product bundle from this line was released in 1995 by which time the Bookman system was to supercede it as Franklin's cartridge-based ebook reader.