Backing Up Databank Information

To backup any Databank information you entered into your handheld device, follow these steps.

  1. Press CARD on your handheld device.
  2. Use the arrow keys to highlight Connect to PC card icon.
  3. Press ENTER to select it.
  4. Searching for a connection appears on your handheld device screen to indicate the Desktop Manager is scanning for an attached handheld device with an Expansion Card.

    Connected appears on your handheld device screen to indicate a connection has been established.

  5. Click Databank on the BOOKMAN Desktop Manager.
  6. Databank Tab

  7. Click the Backup your Databank button.
  8. The BOOKMAN Desktop Manager copies your personal information and saves it in ...\My BOOKMAN Files\Backup.

    Backing up the Databank appears on your handheld device screen to indicate the backup is in progress.

    Backup/Restoration of Databank complete appears on your handheld device screen to indicate the backup is complete.